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Online Meds

Online pharmacies are pharmacies which operate over the Internet. Many such pharmacies are, in some ways, similar to community pharmacies; the primary difference is the method by which the medications are requested and received. Some customers consider this to be more convenient than traveling to a community drugstore.

While many internet pharmacies sell prescription drugs only with a prescription, some do not require a pre-written prescription. In some countries, this is because prescriptions are not required. Some customers order drugs from such pharmacies to avoid the inconvenience of visiting a doctor or to obtain medications which their doctors were unwilling to prescribe. People living in the United States may turn to online pharmacies because medical care and prescription medications can be prohibitively expensive. Many of these websites employ their own in house physicians to review the medication request and write a prescription accordingly. Some websites offer medications
Добавлено 3 Марта 2010 00:53
Раздел Продажа
Автор graceruntre
Город New York
Телефон 123456
Email Написать письмо
Просмотров 635

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